For anyone who might care, today (September 25) is my twenty-eighth birthday. As many people do on their birthdays, I plan on spending the day looking to the future and what ways I can change for the better going forward. One change I decided to make was with regard to this website. While there was nothing necessarily wrong with the old design, it never hurts to get a makeover – I promise that very soon there will also be some new music to go with this new look (everything’s still at a halt while I take care of a few health issues).

I’ve also got a lot of plans for my own music career and for Urbanizm Music. Between the aforementioned health issues as well as working a full-time job, some of my goals take a lot longer than I like to accomplish. But I’m still working on getting many things done (from new video game remixes and vocal mixes, to continuing to strengthen the Urbanizm name), no matter how long it takes. Thanks so much to everyone who’s supported me; we’re gonna make it!