I don’t call attention to this much, but on the sidebar of this site and Urbanizm Music’s site, there’s a donate button. The reason I bring attention to it now is the following… [cue sob story]

As many people know, I got in a bad car crash last year and jacked up my spine, as a result, I’ve spent a lot of time out of work. As you can imagine, if one spends a great deal of time out of work, one does not get paid. Sooo the ol’ finances are hurting. This isn’t something I would do were I not desperate, but if you were ever a supporter of me, my music, or Urbanizm, please make a donation. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but if you’ve got a couple bucks you can spare to a brother who needs it, I’d be most grateful.

If you’re not the type who wants to give without getting something back, get one of my EPs on my Bandcamp page – they’re pretty chill tunes IMO. If you’re the rappin’ type, you can cop one of my old beetz from and we can work out a deal. If you can’t afford to donate & know someone who might, please point them to this site or UrbanizmMusic.com.

New music will be coming soon, when I can stop with my regiment of pain meds & crazy procedures that aim to keep me from walking like a pain-ridden Neanderthal.

To to sum it up, please help out if you can, and spread the word if you can’t. Thanks for reading. Be cool.